Monday, January 30, 2012

Want to try a new language? Portuguese is your best choice.

PORTUGUESE is the 7th most spoken language in the world With 225 million speakers
  • Brazil is the 2nd largest industrial power of the Americas and has the 6 th largest economy in the world. Brazil also features the Amazon jungle, huge urban cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and over 6,000 miles of beautiful beaches.
  • Brazil is the United States’ second largest trading partner in Latin America. If you are thinking about an international career, Brazil is home to many international companies.
  • Portuguese is a Romance Language , and one of the official languages of the European Union, MERCOSUL, and the Organization of American States. So, knowledge of Portuguese is a very marketable skill.

  • And if you happen to enjoy sports, come to Brazil for the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Summer Olympics in 2016!

1 comment:

  1. Ola',

    Eu acompanhei este blog quando fui estudar na Purdue University pelo Ciencia sem fronteiras - CsF - Capes CNPq.
    Agora que eu ja' estou estabilizado eu gostaria de compartilhar a experiencia com outros e ajudar outros estudantes do Brasil

    Se voces quiserem dicas sobre o melhor local para morar em West Lafayette, favor entrar em contato comigo, pois ser'a um prazer ajudar outros colegas do Brasil. - veja que tem o br no final

    Ficarei aqui entre 2012 e 2013

